Friday, August 3, 2007


A song inspired by Kanye West's "Jesus Walks".

Too do do do dooo...Damn...God !!!
Tell me - don't u care about Darfur God?
One hundred are raped, tortured and killed every day,
in every possible way !!!
Tell me - How long will u cause suffering and pain?
What is there to gain? How long God?
forever? forever? forever-ever?

Too do do do dooo...Damn...God !!!
Tell me - is all that blood spilled in your name,
quench ur thirst or quench ur fame?
How much more blood will it take?
Tell me - Is all that pain, in your name taken in vain,
more than u can bear? don't u fuckin care?
How much more pain will it take?

Too do do do dooo...Damn...God !!!
Tell me - why Kanye hates whites?
but loves the one who created them !!
and loves the one who destined them !!
and loves the one who would not save !!
the poor fathers and mothers who 
prayed and prayed !!!
to stop the enslave !!!


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